P Ramanatha Aiyar: Cross Examination, Principles & Precedents


By Justice M R Mallick
Publication Date: 2011
ISBN: 9788180386442
Format: Hardcover

Categories: , , Product ID: 3725


The book covers a wide range of cross-examination topics. It investigates and analyses various types of witnesses and how to deal with them, not just in the form of dry assertions, but also in the form of illustrated examples and specific examples. It is mainly a description of various attorneys’ and judges’ experiences in court when questioning witnesses throughout the course of a case. Because there have been many major legislative changes and radical interpretations of the law by the courts, the present version includes editorial notes, where applicable, to inform the reader that some viewpoints stated in previous editions are no longer appropriate today.


  • Cross-examination in general
  • Principles of cross-examination
  • Bullying cross-examination
  • Cross-examination of different
  • Types of witnesses
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