
Electronic Evidence is now recognised as the main source of evidence worldwide. It affects every aspect of law, criminal and civil, and with the internet, is even more important for all lawyers to understand and apply to daily practice.

“Electronic Evidence, 3rd Edition” provides you with essential guidance on how to understand electronic evidence and how to use this successfully in litigation and other means of dispute resolution.

This title brings together all the issues relating to disclosure, procedure and admissibility of electronic evidence as well as comprehensive coverage of jurisdictions including Australia, Canada, the UK, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa and the USA.

Key benefits:

  • Currently the only text available on this subject
  • Enables you to advise on electronic evidence confidently
  • Covers the complexities and types of electronic evidence in one source, and also makes suggestions for further reading on more technical issues, to save you time
  • Ensures compliance with procedures and duties to the court for the disclosure of electronic evidence
  • Includes coverage of key foreign jurisdictions and a glossary to ease understanding

New to Electronic Evidence Third Edition:

  • Developments in cloud computing
  • More cases in encryption of evidence (in the UK and USA)
  • A new separate chapter on encryption of evidence
  • New chapter on the EU – the EU is now moving fairly rapidly into developing the EU prosecutor and EU investigator in criminal matters, and there are developments in relation to the European Arrest Warrant and European Investigation Order. In essence, the EU want to move towards the harmonization of criminal procedure. The moves will have a significant effect on all Member States, and will also affect electronic evidence significantly
  • Civil matters – there are continuing developments in disclosure/discovery, mainly in respect to amendments to practice directions (minor), and respecting relevant case law
Category: Product ID: 5405


  • Author: Stephen Mason
  • ISBN : 9788180388637
  • Format: Hardback
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