Author : Nh Chan
ISBN : 9789675040245
In the adversarial system that is practised in Malaysia, justice according to law does not mean that the judge is a mere umpire. The paramount object of the judge is to find out the truth based on the evidence presented by the parties. It is not an easy task and a judge is often under scrutiny. However, before one can hope to be able to judge a judge, it is necessary that one should know the judge’s craft. If is only when one knows the judge’s craft that one will be able to judge the performance of the judges.
This book reveals the mysteries of the craft of the judge so that its readers can judge the judges. Written by an author who has been both a judge and an advocate, this book is enlightening and an eye-opener. It looks at the task of a judge to be done in a court of justice; it is not about how a judge should behave out of court or about the requisite academic qualifications.
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