
Istilah Undang-Undang, 7th Edition | 2024

Original price was: RM180.00.Current price is: RM162.00.

Author: Thomson Reuters Legal Editors
Publication Date: May 2024
Previous Edition: 9789670915364, 6th Edition
Format: DUO (Print + Proview)
Country: Malaysia

Category: Product ID: 11560


Over the years following the enactment of the National Language Acts 1963/ 67, a vast body of legal terminology in Malay has come into common use in the courts of Malaysia. Further to that, the rapid development of Islamic banking and finance and Syariah Law has seen the generous application of Arabic terms in legal writing and documents.

In this new edition of Istilah Undang-Undang, new terms or phrases in Malay and English have been added, ensuring that this book remains an indispensable tool for legal practitioners, judges, academicians, students, and court officials. Many of the new terms and phrases have been collated from new legislation which reflect the current use of legal terminology. The accurate translation of legal terms from English to Malay and vice versa, and the understanding of Arabic terms especially those used in the fields of Islamic banking and finance, family law, and criminal procedure become more convenient and easier with the support of this index.

In this edition, terms commonly used in taxation and revenue law have been added to widen the scope of coverage of this index.

Since the publication of the previous edition eight years ago, ongoing editorial input has been invested to meticulously revise or update translations where necessary in accordance with usage in authoritative legal sources. The separate section on Arabic terms makes available the translation or meaning in English.


  • The litigator when preparing affidavits and making submissions in court
  • The solicitor when drafting legal documents and agreements
  • The corporate lawyer when preparing commercial contracts
  • The judge when writing judgments
  • The academician when explaining legal concepts and terminologies
  • The student studying law
  • The court official in daily administrative work

Table of Contents:

  1. English – Malay Terms
  2. Malay – English Terms
  3. Arabic – English Terms


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