Public International Law Simplified


Globalization is a key agenda in the world today and dealings between and among states, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and transnational corporations multiply by the day. The conduct of the various subjects of the international society in their mutual intercourse is regulated by public international law.

The topic of public international law is complex and involves a multitude of sources, many of which may not be easily understood by the student, layman, or beginner. This book serves to provide a simplified account of the legal principles governing public international law. It deals with that body of rules and regulations that govern legal relations between various states and international organizations.

It also provides a quick reference and revision guidance to beginners, particularly those studying the subject. All chapters are written in the most direct and simple language that the general public and the non-professionals, who are interested in the workings of public international law and wish to be equipped with the basic knowledge and principles of the subject, can easily understand.

The authors have drawn upon their wide experience in teaching this subject to prepare this highly readable book which seeks to shed light on and facilitate a quick understanding of the general concepts of public international law. The extensive reference list provides useful signposts for further reading and research where necessary.

Chapter 1: Preliminary Issues on International Law
Chapter 2: Sources of International Law
Chapter 3: The Relationship between International Law and National Law
Chapter 4: Subjects of International Law
Chapter 5: State Territory
Chapter 6: State Jurisdiction
Chapter 7: Immunity from Jurisdiction
Chapter 8: The Law of Treaty
Chapter 9: The Law of the Sea
Chapter 10: International Human Rights
Chapter 11: The Law of the United Nations
Chapter 12: Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes
Chapter 13: International Humanitarian Law and Armed Conflict
Categories: , Product ID: 8518


Publication date: Aug 2017
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9789672049425
Authors: Hunud Abia Kadouf &  Abdulfatai Oladapo Sambo

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